Types of Projector Mounts [Complete Guide]

When setting up your projection system, you will realize that positioning arrangements for the projector need serious consideration. There are several ways a projector can be placed in the room – and each placement method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A projector mount (ie, the device that holds the projector in its place) helps keep a projector immobile so that it doesn’t move once you have positioned it correctly for your projector screen. You may also want it placed in a way that it is not disturbed by children or pets.

Alternatively, you may consider that you want to move it about often and, therefore, a different sort of support is necessary.

To understand projector mounts, we explain, in this article, several types and categories according to their features. If you have to decide upon a type of projector mount, you need to know what is available in the market and what features you can take advantage of.

Projector Mounts – Placement based

There are several different types of projector mounts available based on where you will place the projector. Each has its own benefits.

  1. Ceiling mounts,
  2. Wall mounts, and
  3. Table mounts

Both ceiling and wall mounts are the most popular type of mount, as they allow you to align the projector easily and keep it maintained in its position.

These mounts also keep the projector out of the way – there is no obstruction of vision, they do not take up valuable floor space and are not easily disturbed by people passing across the room. Since some projectors have mount attachment points at the bottom of the projector, they are installed upside down on the ceiling. Make sure that for such projectors, there is a feature to invert the image on the screen.

If the ceiling is too low, then low profile mounts can be used that effectively seem to stick the projector to the ceiling. If even that does not work, instead of having the projector suspended below head height in the middle of the room, using a projector wall mount is the better option as it positions the projector to one side of the room.

There are certain specialized types of projector ceiling mounts. A sliding projector mount is a mount that allows a projector to be moved along an overhead track. This type of mount is often used in classrooms and conference rooms, where it can be used to project images onto a screen or whiteboard at different distances. Sliding projector mounts typically have built-in adjustment mechanisms that allow the user to fine-tune the position of the projector.

Another specialized type is the hidden projector ceiling mounts. These motorized ceiling mounts hide the projector in the ceiling cavity and using a remote allow you to lower it to a required height. These mounts keep the projector safe in terms of security and keep them out of sight and out of the way when not in use.

Table mounts, projector carts, tripods or shelves are less common, but they can be used where you need to move the projector around easily. However, the tables are not fixed to the floor and it only needs a curious child or pet to have the projector fall over. Therefore, these are more useful in an office environment. The table itself may be mobile (ie with wheels) and with adjustable height. For security, provision for lockable cabinet doors may be available.

Projector Mount – Build and Weight Capacity

The weight and size of the projector will determine the type (wall or ceiling) and size of the mount needed. It is important to buy a projector mount that is made specifically for the size and weight of your projector, as this will ensure that it stays securely in place.

Ceiling mounts have the capability to hold heavier projectors. However, adjustable projector wall mounts have limitations in their range. This is because the horizontal extension acts as a cantilever, and the greater the weight of the projector, the wall bracket is more likely to pry off the wall.

Another important tip. Check out the weight and type of material of the mount itself. Some materials are more durable than others, which means they will last longer. The mount body made of plastic may be strong enough for your projector but for heavier ones you will require metal bodies. It is important to choose a material that is strong enough to hold your projector, but not too heavy so it does not damage your walls.

Drywalls will require careful consideration of how a wall mount can be installed, e.g. using drywall anchors. But watch out, if your projector may be too heavy for drywalls even with anchors, then mount your projector from the ceiling.

Projector Mount Parts

The projector ceiling and wall mount comprise three major components as part of their construction:

  1. the ceiling bracket or wall bracket, ie the part that attaches to the solid immovable surface – ceiling or wall,
  2. the detachable projector mount bracket, ie the part that attaches to the projector.
  3. the extendable arm between the two brackets, this is an option that may or may not be available. The arm connects between the two brackets.

Some projector mounts allow fine adjustments to the projector for angle and position to project the image in the desired location, while others are fixed in place. Projector brackets with adjustment capabilities are perfect for use in classrooms and conference rooms.

An extendable arm in a projector mounts further increases maneuverability. It makes the mount more versatile allowing giving you a range of sometimes a few feet in which you can adjust the projector’s position to get the perfect projection spot and angle.

Maneuverability features to look for in a projector mount include the ability to move the projector in several directions and angles – adjustable height, rotation, tilt and swivel capabilities. Rotation refers to the ability to move the direction of the lens to the walls other than the direction of the screen, while tilt refers to moving the lens upwards or downwards. Swivel adjusts the horizontal angle of the image, ie moves one side of the projector up or down.

A projector mount may have all these movement capabilities but with some, the possible adjustments may be less limited than with others. So you will need to understand what range of angles the mount can provide and to what lengths can the arm be extendable.

Projector Mounts – Compatibility

Before you make a final selection of the projector mount, you will need to check whether the projector bracket does indeed fit onto your projector. Projector mounts can come in different sizes and styles to accommodate different types of projectors. Some projector mounts are designed for specific models of projectors, while others are universal and can be used with many types of projectors.

Universal projector mounts have claws that can be adjusted to fit most projector mounting holes or attachment points. However, it is still possible that universal mounts are not compatible with your projector so that you will have to check with the projector manufacturer to find out which mounts are relevant for their brand. 


The most important thing is to make sure that you choose the right mount, that is one that has all important features and capacities that match your projector. Hopefully, this guide will ensure that you check out all the options available before making a purchase.

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